At the beginning of this week, I kept my computer busy "by itself" for a couple of evenings, sending backups of thousands of photos to external drives; in preparation of freeing up some space on my laptop. Not all done with that project yet, for reasons that will become apparent below.
On Wednesday, while also having laundry day, I packed up the rest of my Christmas decorations to go down to my storage room. Or so I thought. When I got back up to the flat again after having got the last things down to the storage, my eyes fell on the top of the bookshelf in the hall... There seems to always be that one thing somewhere that I miss! ;-) (As this tree does not take up much space, it went into a cupboard where I keep vases and stuff, for now. Remains to be seen if I'll remember that next December!!)

So had quite a busy Wednesday afternoon, and was rather tired in the evening; but not abnormally so. Still also felt "normal" at first when I woke up around 4 a.m. in the night and needed the bathroom (I often do) - that is, until I sat up, and the world started spinning... I also noticed that I was sweating, but at the same time feeling cold. I managed to get to the bathroom, though; where I also checked my temperature. That, however, was normal, which served to calm me down a bit. I changed my pajama top, and changed to another pillow (thinking that I might have been lying in some weird position with my neck). Lying down again I felt okay, and after a while fell back to sleep.
But next time I woke up, and sat up, the whole thing started over, and worse. I even had to throw up (although nothing really to throw up...). Skipped breakfast and just had a cup of tea with honey, plus a bite of a banana with my blood pressure pills. However, apart from the vertigo, my brain (and the rest of me) seemed to be working as it should... I also checked my blood pressure, which was okay as well (neither low nor too high). So started googling symptoms, and arrived at the self-diagnosis that it was probably "benign positional vertigo" (BPPV). (In layman terms, small particles/crystals getting into the wrong part of the inner ear and confusing the sense of balance. In Swedish it also goes by the name of crystal sickness.) I also recalled something similar happening to me some 30 years ago - but then I didn't wake up with it but had a sudden dizzy spell at work. I think I was off work for a day or two, but since then it never happened again - until now.
While I was googling and thinking, the worst nausea also seemed to have given way, so I decided there was no need for an "emergency" call. I also found some exercises (head movements) to try, and some tips on what to eat when feeling nauseous (little pieces of crunchy fruit and vegetables, crackers/bread, thin chicken broth - and drinking plenty of water). Practiced that throughout the day and felt better; even if still a bit wobbly. I kept my phone with me in a fanny pack all day in case I should lose my balance and fall (I didn't, though). I also recalled that I had a folding cane I bought some years ago when I had trouble with a knee, so got that out to for support. In the afternoon I slept for a while (lying down), and thankfully had no new vomiting attacks when I rose again.
I also slept okay in the night and had no more severe vertigo attacks neither when I woke up in the night, nor in the morning. Today, a light headache but not really "dizzy" like the day before. I had a delivery of groceries coming in the morning around 10 a.m. (ordered earlier in the week), and managed to take care of that (including some bending and lifting). I've felt no need of the cane indoors today - just taking things slowly, and thinking about my movements.
I even went outside to the rubbish bins + a 5 min walk around the next building, with my outdoors walking poles for support. (The weather the last couple of days has been "slushy" rather than icy, with a mix of rain and wet snow). In my entrance/stairwell they're still in the process of painting the walls and railings etc, so I've been using the lift rather than the stairs. (I was in luck about that... The lift was "out of order" for maintenance on Tuesday, when I did not need it; and back in working order on Wednesday, when I did need it!)
On the whole I feel lucky - and thankful for the internet! Without the possibility to search for info online, I'm sure I'd have felt a lot more panic-stricken.
Of course if the symptoms recur I may still have to consult health care. On the other hand, they may not! (I'll be taking things slow for a while, hoping for the best.,,)