The sun keeps shining - but the same cannot be said about the basement lights ...
We're having another glourious September week, with afternoon temperatures reminding more of high summer than autumn.
On Monday I walked into town for a haircut, and also could not resist snapping a couple more reflection photos.
On Tuesday I walked in the opposite direction, to the supermarket for a few things (no photos).
Wednesday (yesterday) was Laundry day for me, so then I did not go far from home - just a turn around the neighbourhood when I was done with that.
Red berries in the old cemetery;
their name unknown to me.
Before that, my laundry afternoon was a somewhat spooky adventure this week, though. First of all, the lights in the (windowless) basement corridor weren't working. They're of the kind that are supposed to come on automatically when sensing movement - but yesterday only the one just opposite the lift (elevator) was functioning... It was ok inside the laundry room itself, though.
When I got back up to my flat, I made an online report of that, and also a separate report of having noted that the dustpan was missing from the laundry room cleaning equipment.
Next time I got down, both brooms had disappeared as well! So then I thought okay, someone must have borrowed them all temporarily... (Why first only the dustpan, and then also the brooms, still mystifies me, though!)
However, when I got back down the last time to collect my final load from the drier, all three cleaning tools had been replaced. It was not the same old ones that had been put back, though, but different ones. Definitely not brand new (very far from) - but also definitely not the same ones. I can only presume that the service staff must be keeping a secret stack of old runaway brooms and dustpans somewhere and circulate them when needed...
AI generated image
(As for the lack of light in the corridor, after my first wander in the dark, the next times I went down I brought a pocket flashlight with me...)
Swedish whitebeam tree. There are several of these around the housing estate and street where I live.
Today, I walked into town again in the morning - this time for a pharmacy errand - and on the way, I noted a definite change of colour now in certain trees...
In the afternoon, I also went for a shorter walk to the nearby district library again, to return the book I borrowed last time, and look for another (ended up borrowing two).
This time, I also remembered to take a photo of an interior detail that caught my eye already on the first visit - these wonderfully decorated dark door frames... Most of the doors have been removed to enable visitors to circulate through the rooms, but I also noticed one now with the door still there, and closed.
Not easy to do photographic justice to, but enlarged and with some adjusting of colour you can see the pattern: