Saturday, 30 November 2024

Weekend Reflections


After a very grey and rainy week, this morning offered a glimpse of blue skies, and I made use of that for a walk downtown for a few errands. And couldn't resist this perfect mirror image of this impressive mural that was painted back in the summer; seen from the park.

The Christmas tree in the main square. 


Display of Christmas trees inside a shopping mall.

 My favourite tea shop, situated at the main square. I've been buying my loose leaf teas there for as long as I've lived in this town - which will be 39 years in January. Today the small shop was crammed with people when I arrived, so I preferred to wait outside for a while, and then snapped this photo of one of their windows.

Yesterday I took this photo of an old wooden house closer to home, because of their display of an electric candle holder in each window upstairs, and a star in each window downstairs. The building is used for offices these days.

 Reflection photo from yesterday, all in subtle shades of November: grey, black and brown, with just a hint of some green grass on the ground... (We only had a few frosty days so far.)

Linking to Weekend Street/Reflections

Thursday, 28 November 2024

Let There Be Light


Yesterday (between turns to the laundry room) I collected my electric candlesticks and window stars from my storage room down in the basement; and today I set them all up in their usual places - one candlestick on each of my window sills, and in the kitchen and in my study also a hanging star. It's a tradition here in Sweden to put up these window lights for the first Advent Weekend. Back in my childhood we only had one electric candlestick (in the living room) and one paper star (in the kitchen). In my first own home(s) I too had only one of each; but have added to the "collection" over the years... The orange paper star in my kitchen is still of the same simple type as the one mum always put up back in my childhood, though. (The one in my study is a paper star too, but white with golden details.)

It felt like it took "half the day" for me to get this sorted today (including cleaning window sills, moving things around, unpacking the candlesticks, sorting out cords and timers, and checking/changing some lightbulbs etc). But in the afternoon I also managed to fit in a walk (before dark) to get my "overseas" (out-of-Europe) postcards posted. 

Outdoors it's been very novemberish this week - grey and "dark" even in the daytime, and quite a lot of rain too. None while I was out this afternoon, though. But it does feel like the right time to get some extra lights and candles up indoors now...

Monday, 25 November 2024

Listen and Learn...


King Arthur - 12 h. * The Old Testament - 12 h.
C.S. Lewis - 6 h. * Mythologies of the world - 31 h.

I have listened to a few Great Courses from Audible in the past as well, then mostly to do with languages (Language Families of the World, The Story of Human Language). Recently I noticed that a whole lot more Great Courses about all kinds of topics are now included in my membership (i.e. free for members to listen to without using monthly credits to buy them for keeps). The above are what I've been listening to (or more correctly, have often been half asleep to) during November. While I don't expect a lot of details to stick in my memory, I'd like to think that I may still have added a little bit to my general understanding of the contexts in which those details belong. Like: how various cultures across the world (and across Time) share a surprising amount of stories with common or very similar themes, even if characters (both humans and gods) may have different names and the stories may even serve different purposes. Mythologies I'm only half way through yet - 18 hours left, and if memory serves me right I'm just about to dive into African mythology, which I don't think I've ever heard very much about at all.

(Decided to put this on the blog today because it's been an exceptionally grey and wet and gloomy day when I've not set foot outside. Needed to remind myself that I've actually not spent all of November just re-watching Gilmore Girls on Netflix for the umpteenth time (however much I also love doing that).

 Gilmore Girls: Season 1


Sunday, 24 November 2024

Indoors Sunday

The sunny, cold and snowy spell seems to be over for now, and we're back to rain here. The best thing about today was that in the morning when I woke up I was convinced for a little while that it was Monday, but then realised that in fact it was only Sunday... Which made me feel like I suddenly got an "extra" day to just relax and do nothing! (Some people would probably say that that's what I do all week anyway - but what do they know...)

Back on Friday, between breakfast and lunch, I got started on the first phase of my winter decorations - which involves changing my kitchen curtains, and some other textiles.

My electric candles and star in the window won't be added until next weekend; but I put up the cord for the star while I was doing the curtains anyway.

My table runners and table cloths etc are kept together with the curtains in an old chest in the living room, so while I had that open, I also got some of those out - plus changed my "fake branches" in the vase on top of that chest when I closed it again. More to follow from next weekend onward... As long-term followers of this blog may remember, it is my habit to decorate a bit more for each Advent weekend, rather than put everything up at once. (Keeps me entertained rather than stressed!)

Saturday, 23 November 2024

Weekend Reflections



Above: Three reflection photos from Monday afternoon, for Weekend Reflections.
("Nature still holding its breath" back then, waiting for the first snow...)

* * * * *

While some parts of Sweden have had a seriously difficult weather week (snow combined with strong winds, people stuck for hours in traffic jams on certain major roads, long power outages etc) ...

From TV, Wednesday evening

... here in my town, we didn't actually got more snow than this:


And although cold (several degrees below freezing point), there hasn't been much wind; and we've also been able to enjoy a bit of daytime sunshine and blue skies.


Rowan tree with no leaves left - but lots of berries for the birds...

Saturday sunset

Friday, 22 November 2024

Skywatch Friday

These photos are from Monday this week - before we had the first snow for the season on Tuesday. But I've been saving them for Skywatch Friday ...

Thursday, 21 November 2024

Me & My Winter Shadow

Yesterday was cold and grey and with a few more snowflakes whirling about. It was also laundry day for me, so I was content to just stay in... Today I woke up to sunshine, outdoors temperature around -5'C, and a thin layer of white on the ground. Still no more than 1 cm or so, but enough to cover small streets and walk paths. I had a grocery delivery coming in the late morning; but after lunch I went out for a bit.

Me and my very tall winter shadow
(photo taken around 2 pm)


A deceptive photo: It looks rather like a lake with a snowy beach to the right, doesn't it? In reality, it's the metal roof a single level industrial building across a road and railroad down below from where I was standing... My focus was on the fluffy clouds in sky!

 Dressed for winter...

Tuesday, 19 November 2024

Winter Starts Here

Today I woke up to the first snow for this season. Just very small powdery snow flakes in the air today, but still marking the beginning of winter.

And yesterday, I noted that the Christmas Tree in the main square downtown is up: 

More snow to be expected, but the latest forecasts say that tomorrow, most of it will probably fall north of here; and the day after, on the east coast, moving north. (Far up  north, I think many places have already had snow for a while now.) 

Anyway, 1st Advent Sunday is only 1½ week away now. Frosty/snowy weather might inspire me to make my usual change of kitchen curtains already this upcoming weekend... (I always like to start with that, before putting up other decorations.)

Saturday, 16 November 2024

A November Walk

On Thursday morning I received an email telling me that I had a parcel to pick up at an inconvenience store across town. No, I did not spell that wrong - just trying to be funny... The thing is, I had ordered something, not very large, which I had expected to be smoothly delivered by regular post to my own postbox, or at worst the convenience store in my own neighbourhood, only a few minutes walk away. But it turned out the company had used a different delivery service; and thus the parcel ended up in a store much more inconvenient for me... Half an hour's walk away at least - and no use trying to take a bus either. (Because that would involve a change of bus, and the stops for those two lines are so far apart nowadays that one would have to walk half the distance anyway, and the whole adventure from door to door might actually end up taking even longer than walking the whole distance...)

Luckily, it was a sunny day (rather rare for November), and I decided that I had better just get the inconvenient errand over with, and make the walk as enjoyable as possible. 

I live to the south of the city centre; while the inconvenience store is situated along a busy street uphill to the east of there. I decided the best way for me to walk there was along the river as usual down to the city park, and then choose a side street for my walk uphill.

Besides being sunny it was even one of those days with the river still like a mirror... And I also quite enjoyed my walk uphill through an older part of town that I don't visit very often now. (I used to walk there more often back in a distant past when my place of work was at the hospital up on the top of that hill.)

Birch tree still holding on to most of its leaves!

After picking up my parcel (small and flat enough to fit into my backpack), I crossed the busy road over to the city library & culture centre for a quick visit.

It turned out they're rebuilding their entrance hall, and while doing so they have put up some temporary art made by school children to make things a bit more cheerful :)

I then decided to make a further detour on my way back home, to a park on the hillside. From photography point of view it may have been better to go there a month earlier, in the full glory of autumn colours - but on the other hand, one probably gets a better view of the town with the leaves gone... ;)

From a path somewhere half way up the hill, looking down on the town below.

Oops... When I saw it, I remembered having read about it in the local paper: They're doing some restruction work here too, reparing an old stone wall...

Once upon a time, this park belonged to a private manor house, built for a wealthy manufacturer back in the 1820s. (That house no longer there, and the park nowadays owned by the town.) 

▲ Walking down, and further down... ▼

▲...Looking back up...▼

Back down on flat ground, below the park, there is a major busy thoroughfare road to cross; and then a rather complicated traffic roundabout; and in the middle of that, since 2008, stands the huge Pinocchio sculpture by American artist Jim Dine (9 m high, and official title Walking to Borås), which was really the start of our city building a new reputation as a  City of Art. (Many more sculptures and murals added since then, and regular art biennials.)

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