Thursday, 14 November 2024

SkyWatch Friday: The Moon


14 November 2024 (16:37)

I happened to be looking out of my kitchen window as the full moon was rising this afternoon (16:37). I went and got my separate camera as the mobile is no good at zooming.

14 November 2024 (16:38)

Around 20 minutes later, I saw these sunset clouds from my balcony, on the other side of my apartment.

14 November 2024 (17:02)

- - -

I was reminded that I also had photos of the moon from last month in the camera, which I never got round to transferring to the computer then. So I'll enclose those here as well:


17 October 2024

17 October 2024


Did it take long to find me?
I asked the faithful light
Did it take long to find me?
And are you gonna stay the night?
- Cat Stevens -




  1. I love moons through bare branches! And I do sing that song to myself whenever I'm out and see the "moon shadows"!

    1. Lisa, when the branches aren't bare, I don't see the moon until it's risen above them...

  2. My favorites are the last two. I loved Cat stevens! Had almost everything he sang!! He is a brilliant songwriter

    1. Ginny, I thought I had one album by Cat Stevens (Tea for the Tillerman) but can't find it now. I think I must just have had it recorded on cassette.

  3. Full moon and a beautiful sunset... how very fortunate! One of my favorite Cat Stevens songs.

    1. SPP, he was one of the Great in the era when I listened to music the most.

  4. Beautiful!
    No moon visible here last night, it was completely overcast. But I saw it earlier this week, when it was not yet full but already very bright, and surrounded by fast moving clouds on a windy but almost clear night.

    1. Meike, today not possible to catch any photos of the moon - it's been grey and foggy all day...

  5. Beautifully captured moon through the trees. Peek-a-boo!

  6. when my oldest son David, was 14 he had a whole collection of Cat Stevens records. this morning the moon at 3:16 am had our denuded of tree back yard lit up like a giant floodlight. I went out to stare at how bright the yard was and then ran through the house and out on the front porch and it was really dark, the oak tree shades the entire front half of our lot. you moon shots are beautiful. I love the rising and setting of both moon and sun... by the time I walked Beau at 6:30 it was breaking day and the sun came up but there were rain clouds hiding it. no rain though. looks like we have to wait for next wed for rain. 6 week 4 days of not one drop of rain

    1. Sandra, I doubt we ever had such a long period of no rain at all in my town (known to be one of the rainiest in Sweden!)

  7. So glad you got these good moon shots from the last two full moons. We had clouds this month hiding the moon. I love everything Cat Stevens recorded.

    1. Barbara, he was one of the Great in the era when probably I listened to music the most, but I never owned any of his records myself. I think I may have had one album copied on cassette tape, though.

  8. Lovely photos, Monica. My favourite is the last but one - it has a surreal quality. We've had very heavy cloud cover, particularly at night when it's rained on occasions, so we haven't been able to see the moon at all.

    1. That's my favourite too, Carol. I did hear on the news that the east coast of Spain is still threatened by more rain and possible flooding...

  9. It's so hard to take photos of the moon. These are great. We've had an enormous and very bright moon these last few days. Knowing that 'your' moon and 'mine' are actually the same is kind of heart-warming. She watches over us all. Does that sound silly?

    1. Jenny, I agree it's hard to take photos of the moon. With my phone it's really hopeless to even try, and even my separate camera has limited zoom. Just taking a photo of the moon without the tree branches in the foreground it would just be a white dot on dark background, really! ;-) ... I get what you mean about the moon being "the same" for all of us - even if it seems to me that some of by blogging friends must live closer to it than I do! (...judging from their photos, obviously taken with better cameras...)


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