Thursday, 7 November 2024

Time Will Tell


I've fallen behind with blogging over the past few days - somehow Monday through Wednesday seemed to be totally dominated by the election "on the other side of the pond"; even though no one over here could do a thing about it but pray or keep fingers crossed. (Or whatever one prefers. Actually, here in Sweden we "hold our thumbs" rather than cross our fingers. Taking either of those two expressions literally would probably make simultaneous writing just about equally difficult, though!) Before actual results came in, there were of course endless speculations uttered. My impression is that most people over here were hoping for Kamala Harris to win, and deplore that she did not. But at least (in my opinion) the speech that she gave afterwards was a dignified contrast to the chaos that broke out four years ago when the loser did not accept the outcome of the democratic election...

Perhaps a quote from Alice in Wonderland may throw some light on it all? (Or not! LOL)

And the moral of that is—‘Be what you would seem to be’—or, if you’d like it put more simply—‘Never imagine yourself not to be otherwise than what it might appear to others that what you were or might have been was not otherwise than what you had been would have appeared to them to be otherwise.’” — Alice in Wonderland, The Mock Turtle’s Story

Walking into town on Monday (and again today) I noticed this damaged tree in the park. I don't know what happened to it, but my guess is that a branch got broken off in the storm last week. I'm wondering whether they think the rest of the tree can still survive, though? I guess only the future can tell!


  1. Poor tree! It's good to see the rabbit again! I am so glad the election and all the stress and overload of ads for the candidates is all over now!!! Whatever the outcome, God has allowed it to happen, and that is a comforting thought.

    1. Ginny, my own thoughts go more along the line of "by their fruit you will recognize them" ... (Matt 7:15 ff)

  2. It is sad to see a damaged tree

  3. It'll become apparent in spring whether the tree survives this injury. My guess is that it will.
    In German, we "press our thumbs" ("die Daumen drücken"), similar to you "holding" your thumbs. You have probably heard on the news what's going on with our government at the moment... strange times.

    1. Meike, the government crisis in Germany got rather overshadowed by the American election here, but yes, I heard about it. Our own government situation since the last election (two years ago) is hardly ideal either, with the coalition government depending on the support of a right-wing party "behind the scenes". So yes - "strange times"...

  4. It seems that the whole world is in turmoil.

    1. Carol, between politics and climate changes it certainly seems rather unstable at the moment... Sometimes I wonder if perhaps it always was though, and news just travel so very fast around the world these days??

  5. It's all rather depressing but I was cheered by your rabbit; looks like it's 'holding its thumbs'. ( Do rabbits have thumbs?)

    1. Jenny, I'll have to check next time I say hello to it! ;)

  6. now that is a very large rabbit. I love it. poor tree, I think it might live, you can track it for us and see what happens. our avocado has had over the past 5 years, 5 different limbs snatched off by windstorms and it still lives...

    1. Sandra, I just can't recall having seen that much of the bark torn off from a tree trunk before. I'll certainly be following what happens as I walk through that park quite often.


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