Sunday, 3 March 2013

Nothing New Under the Sun

The sun is still having a tough job getting rid of the ice.


theconstantwalker said...

It looks so cold... we are still having frosty nights but spring is on it's way.

MadSnapper said...

it does look cold but it is really beautiful..

Terra said...

I like the photo with the snow and river and trees and even the buildings have a nice setting.

Librarian said...

But that blue sky makes a difference, doesn't it!

ADRIAN said...

It looks good with you.

VirginiaC said...

As we say here...taking time ain't laziness. The sun will do its job in its own time....patience my dear....soon.
Loved the photo.

GB said...

The sun seems to be bursting out all over. Enjoy!

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