Friday, 19 September 2014

FMTSO: Streets


A piece of street art that I happened to miss during the recent Street Art Festival, but went in search of later Smile(click on the link to see my street art post from last week)



Artist: Nira Dahan

Friday My Town Shoot Out


MadSnapper said...

if it is there you will find it.. i get jealous sometimes of all the cool stuff you have in your town.

Ginny Hartzler said...

I love the colors! It is a woman and a bird, and peacock feathers, unusual.

ADRIAN said...

I'm glad you found another one.

Graham Edwards said...

I marvel at the imagination as well as the execution.

Scriptor Senex said...

That's a beautiful one.

Pauline said...

That's so vibrant and alive! Fab street art.

stardust said...

I saw your another post from the link. The city and streets turned into a museum. What an exciting and enjoyable event! Thanks for sharing.


Suburban Girl said...

Love the boldness of it.

betty-NZ said...

Quite an interesting mural! There's an awful lot of detail on it.

DawnTreader said...

Thanks all for your comments. The street art festival was a big success, and I do hope they decide to keep all the paintings (the original permission only being temporary for a few months, so it will have to be renewed).

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