Saturday 20 July 2024

Seeking Shadow


The sign says: "Groceries - Fruit & Vegs"

A small convenience shop in my neighbourhood has made a niche for itself in later years by offering a wide assortment of fresh fruit and vegetables, in spite of not much space inside. In summer they make use of their outside space as well, as you can see in the photo.  

While I do the bulk of my grocery shopping online with home delivery from a supermarket every fortnight, I also appreciate having this shop only 5 minutes walk away for some supplementary shopping in between. Today I bought nectarines, bananas and strawberries (all looking good and fresh) - feeling thankful I did not have to walk all the way to the supermarket for them... After a rainy period, we're having a sunny and warm (even hot) weekend. Instead of a long and hot walk along busy streets with no shadow, after having brought my bag of fruit home, I could just go for a quiet, leisurely and "unburdened" stroll in the shadow of big old trees in the nearby cemetery instead...


  1. Your shopping and stroll among the trees and ancestors all sound wonderful to me.

    1. Barbara, I "stroll among the ancestors" almost every day... ;-) It's a nice quiet place just a few minutes from where I live - with big old trees, lovely flowers in summer, and lots of criss-cross paths away from traffic.

  2. The fruit all looks very good, and so handy for you!!

  3. Again, I notice the similarities between our languages. Not hard to guess, as it‘s Lebensmittel in German 😊
    We had above 30C yesterday and were grateful for the path through the deer park in the shade of the big old trees there.

    1. Meike, here it was still rather pleasant in the shadow yesterday, but walking under the glaring sun along open streets is a different matter...

  4. The fruit and veg look very appealing and that's so handy to have a shop selling essentials so near to home.
    This morning I went out early (after an even earlier dog walk)to do a shop-up and had to visit all four of the nearest supermarkets to get everything I wanted. They were still re-stocking after yesterday's shoppers. It's getting towards peak tourist time and in July and August the supermarkets actually open on Sundays, something they don't normally do.
    We've had 30ºC+ for several days now and it's forecast to be hotter - we all dread to think what August will be like!

    1. Carol, back in my childhood just about everything was closed on Sundays, except perhaps some small roadside kiosks and gas stations. Nowadays, big supermarkets as well as small convenience shops are usually open like 7-23 every day of the week, all year round. And many other shops in the big shopping centres are open at least on Sunday afternoons as well.

  5. Sounds like a nice walk and the perfect place to pick up some fresh fruit along the way!

    1. SPP, that display of fruit & vegs gives almost an exotic holiday feel to my everyday neighbourhood :)

  6. good use of the outdoor space and very good it is so close to you. I love old cemeteries and used to take by sons and my mother and we would wander reading graves while they played in the grass and trees.. much like your cemetery

    1. Sandra, it's the best place nearby to just walk "in peace and quiet" - or sometimes sit for a while as well, in summer. I can stroll around for as long as I please, and yet know that when I get tired, I'm no more than 10 minutes (tops) from home...


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