Friday 26 July 2024

Weekend Reflections

On my way to the Textile Museum on Tuesday, I also (again)* passed by these works of art currently on display in/on the river for this year's Art Biennial (in Borås, Sweden).

Cf two previous posts from June: Adrift  /  Optical Illusions


 The Wind is Turning Towards the East by Heli Ryhänen, Finland


Disrupting Ebb and Flow, 2023 by Elin Stampe, Stockholm

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 Weekend Street/Reflections #183


  1. At first I could not tell if these were photography displays or snapped by you! I am thinking you took them, but MAN they are amazing!!! Especially one and five. They should be displayed somewhere.

    1. Thanks Ginny. Well, they are displayed here, at least! :) ... Glad to see you're able to comment again, seems the trouble you had on my last post was just temporary then.

  2. I never never get tired of see your views of this magnificent part of your city. these photos are amazing. love every single one of them.. a little jealous of your textile, cemetery and this water view with reflections and all a short walk from your home

    1. Thanks Sandra. As I rarely travel out of town these days, I'm very glad we get these summer art biennials and some other art exhibitions etc now and then, so that occasionally there is still something new to show... :)

  3. Your river cooperates so beautifully to give you mirror like reflections. That is so creative to have boating sculptures actually in the river.

    1. Terra, I can never resist water reflections in the river on a clear and calm day - and of course the added sculptures just now makes it even more interesting :)

  4. The reflection is fabulous in the water

    1. It was a rather perfect day for reflection photography :)

  5. It always amazes me the amount of effort your town goes to with these wonderful displays. Though I'm still not sure about the boats, I do like the reflections in the last four photos.

    1. Carol, I guess most public art has an element of provocation in it - and some more than others!

  6. Great works of art, and you chose the perfect weather to take pictures of them. Thank you for sharing!

    1. Meike, more often than not it's the perfect weather days that tempt me to extend my walks a bit and go "exploring" ;-) ... Thanks for following!

  7. Love the reflections, and the beautiful sky!


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