Sunday 27 October 2024

Back on Winter Time

Last night was a long one. For some reason I felt unusually tired yesterday evening, so went to bed and turned off the light "early" (around 10 pm), leaving the changing of clocks until the morning. I always wake up a few times during the night, but last night I went back to sleep fairly quickly each time - including after waking up around 6 or 7 (depending on which clock)... Next time I woke up the manual clocks were showing almost 11 am - so I was rather relieved to be allowed to turn them back an hour!! 

I still have about half a dozen clocks/watches that need to be changed manually. Usually, I tend to forget at least one. (If I did this time too, I have not yet discovered it...)

Outdoors, it's foggy and rainy, which probably contributed to my hibernation mood. 

However, this afternoon the rain stopped for a while, and we even got some glimpses of blue sky between the clouds. So I got out for a half hour walk after all.

Another sure sign that we are now back on Winter Time is that I have started my annual re-watching of the American TV series Gilmore Girls. It's been my No. 1 "Comfort" TV show ever since it started, I think (2001 in Sweden). (After the series was complete, I bought it on DVD; but nowadays it's also available on Netflix.) 


  1. Out time change isn't until next Sunday. Something about letting the kids go trick or treating for Halloween, which used to be after the time change...but kids didn't like trapsing about in costumes in the dark.

  2. The leaves are so poetic to look at


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