Wednesday 16 October 2024

Leaf Blowing Season


View from my window this morning

Probably a bit of frost during the night, followed by a bit of wind this morning... Now the leaves are dropping fast from the trees! Leaf blowers were already hard at work on the lawns outside my buildning when I got up today.

For me today was laundry day, so spent mostly indoors. But I was able to get started an hour early, so also finished early; and had time for a sunny afternoon walk afterwards. Today I enjoyed that special autumnal feeling (and sound!) of literally wading in dry leaves practially all the way around the old cemetery...


Certain trees have lost practially all their leaves, while others still have plenty left.

A comment on my previous post reminded me of a report that was published back in September, to do with which of the 20 largest cities in Sweden are the "greenest" - as in having the most trees and the most green areas etc. Comparing a number of different parameters of that kind, a study showed that Borås has the greatest tree cover in relation to its surface area (52 percent), but is also at the top when it comes to the percentage of inhabited green space (58 percent). In total, we ended up as No 5 on the list. Although all the greenery is one reason that I like living here, I don't think I would have guessed!


  1. I'd rather hear the crunch of leaves underfoot than the leaf- blowing machines. They use them here and they are very loud! The operatives get to wear ear defenders - the onlookers don't!

    1. I know what you mean, Jenny. I don't appreciate the sound of the leaf-blowing machines either - but in some places I can understand why they use them.

  2. I love those walkways of yellow leaves and congratulations to Boras for being such a tree friendly city.


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