Wednesday, 12 March 2025

Back to Black and White


Just for the record, these photos are actually colour, not black and white. It's was snowing through the night and has continued all day today, so we're back to rather wintry sceneries here. The temperature has been hovering just around freezing point, though, and the snow falling so far has been rather wet. In my immediate neighbourhood, so far it has only settled on lawns and trees, leaving the street black and wet. Or at least that was still the case when I went out for a short walk in the mid afternoon, to get a few items from a small greengrocer's shop some five minutes away. I was only out for about 15-20 minutes or so. 


  1. I would say it is drab, but it has it's own kind of beauty.

  2. That weather would not tempt me to go out for more than that either.


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