Friday, 14 March 2025

Daffodils and Snow

Miniature daffodils in bloom on a sunlit grave in the old cemetery.

This morning I woke up to more snow on the ground (compared to the evening before), and outdoors temperature of around -9'C. But the sun was now shining, and in the afternoon, the streets were snow-free again, even if the lawns still mostly white. 

Going for a walk around the the old cemetery nearby, I observed that most of the gravel/sand graves were bare, while most of those with grass growing on them were still covered with snow. Not quite all of them though, which puzzled me a bit. Somehow it did not seem to be all about light vs shadow either.



Neither in the cemetery nor closer to home was it a good day to sit down on a bench to ponder about it, though!


  1. It's all about shadows and light today! My favorite is the Daffodils with their shadow on the tombstone!! What a story about re-birth!!

  2. woo hoo, you would have a serious case of icy bottom sitting on those benches. its beautiful in the snow and the grass stayed green which is amazing to me... you know I love shadows and light and the daffodils look so full of joy

  3. The subtle green carpeting the ground is so nice

  4. The miniature daffies are at their best right now around here, too. We‘ve been having frosty nights and cold days as well, but not as cold as -9C, and no snow.


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