Thursday, 20 March 2025

Keep Warm, Keep Cool...


I added to my collection of Moomin mugs today. I blame my tea-loving Swedish friend Lena (also a water colour artist) for the temptation, because she has been posting a different tea mug every day this month on Facebook. I too have more mugs/cups than I need - but unlike her, not enough different ones to be able to show a unique one for every day of the month... (And I also really have no ambition to increase my collection to be able to do that.)

But... When in town today (for other errands), I passed through a mall where there is a home decor shop selling (among other things) the Moomin mugs. And on display near the entrance was this tall yellow one, which aroused my curiosity. It turned out not to be an ordinary porcelain mug, but a thermos mug - which gave me a good excuse to allow myself to buy it (as I don't have one of those before). 

With a metallic inside and a tight-fitting lid, it can be used to keep drinks either hot or cold; and I decided it might come in handy in summer, if I want to bring a drink outside... Or even just to keep a cool drink of water (or a warm cup of tea) at hand indoors by the TV... 
Below is a Moomin postcard with the image that obviously inspired the one on my thermos cup. They're not exactly alike, though - do you spot the difference?




  1. I can immediately see three differences - I'm sure there are more. Very jolly mug to make anyone smile.

  2. Ah, Moomins, always very engaging. What a lovely find.

  3. I think the difference is that they are drinking on one image, but not drinking on the mug. I would never have known it was a thermos! Very cool, and cheerful!

  4. that mug is full of personalities

  5. There are several differences, for instance whatever it is that we can see behind Mama Moomin's head on the mug but not on the postcard.
    Anyway, it's yellow, and it is Moomin - therefore I love it :-)
    I have a good assortment of mugs in my kitchen cupboard, but not too many; I usually just get around using most of them before the dishwasher is full and can run it.

  6. Sorry, everyone - my question was poorly formulated, as there are indeed more than one difference in little details between the images on the mug vs the postcard. The thing that stood out to me relates to warm vs cold: On the postcard, there is steam rising from the glasses (and also from a flask on the ground). But on the mug, it looks like it's a cold drink that Moominmamma is pouring into their glasses.

  7. really cute and so is the mug, I can't see a difference except Ginny's might be right

  8. That's a very cute thermos mug. There is a row of tiny plants at ground level between the Moomins on the mug and on the postcard there is "steam" coming from the cups and the container on the ground. I'm sure there are more differences but I noticed those immediately!

    1. Carol, the "steam" is what struck me, as that suggests hot drinks being served on the postcard, while on the mug it looks like they're having cold drinks...


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