Tuesday, 26 April 2011

ABC Wednesday: O is for Old(field)



Listen (at YouTube) to Sally Oldfield singing Water Bearer.

Or just look a while at these old trees in an old field…
Somehow they always remind me of the Ents in The Lord of the Rings...


  1. They remind me of the letter Y!
    ROG, ABC Wednesday team

  2. This is getting scary, our taste in music!! And even with obscure songs. I used to play Sally Oldfield over and over, not only Water Bearer, but also Night Of The Hunter's Moon. I just looked through my C.D. collection and could not find it. That's not surprising, I believe I had the album and never replaced it with C.D.

  3. Old and very interesting looking! The bare twigs look like many fingers.

  4. these are my favorite kind of trees, old and bent and gnarled without leaves. beautiful old trees and that is a pretty little creek, i bet it is old to.

  5. A peaceful and serene surrounding!

  6. Well . Glad, So Well and charming the philosophical profile. Enchanting the poetry and song of Arty Nature. Hope do more. Best Wishes.

  7. They're exactly how I pictured Ents!

  8. I wonder why the trees have been cut off. Imagine how large the top of the trees would be if they had been left to grow. Nancy


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