Tuesday, 25 October 2011

A (Not So) Quiet Day


“This has been an unusually quiet day on the internet,” I thought to myself; based on the fact that nowadays I have come to rely on my Android phone to give a little bleep when an email drops in. /Makes me feel in touch with the world ;)/

Then I went to check out the comment sections on my most recent posts; and found more comments waiting there than what had dropped in as emails.

It seems my email account suddenly went paranoid and sorted at least a dozen comment emails today as Spam. I have no idea why. It never happened before, at least not ‘en masse’ like this. 

I hope nothing important slipped me by earlier in the week, and that the email account will regain its usual sorting abilities soon.

[Please scroll down/back for my ABC Wednesday post.]


MadSnapper said...

chatty chrone gets none of her comments in her email starting 3 days ago and can't fix it. scott's blog is gone, he can't find it at all, 3 days ago. i am going to check my comments now and see if they are all coming through. blogger is acting crazy again

Ginny Hartzler said...

Oh gosh, I hope you check your spam before you delete it, and I hope it gets fixed soon!

Graham Edwards said...

Hmm. Must check my spam. Mind you I haven't blogged for a few days so there has been nothing to comment on.

Scriptor Senex said...

Ah, don't you just love modern technology. Works well for a while, thereby lulling you into a false sense of security, and then aaarrgh!

ADRIAN said...

This used to happen to me.......I now have comments sent to two separate e-mail accounts.....seems to work fine. Good luck.

DawnTreader said...

It seems that during the night comments have dropped in where they should and not been sorted as spam so I hope it was just a temporary confusion. I'll be keeping an extra eye on the spam folder for a while though.

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