Monday, 13 February 2012

Valentine’s Day Greetings

To My Valentine1  1908 _0001

Flickering through the old postcard albums mentioned in my previous post, I happened to notice these two anonymous Valentine’s card sent to my grandmother’s half-brother Gustav (born 1878) while he was living in Galeton, Pennsylvania, in 1908. They seem to have been posted in Galeton, too.

A Loving Thought1 190X_0001

Passing the loving thoughts on to my blogging friends!

♥ ♥ ♥

I’m working on the layout of a new blog for posting more greetings from the past – in the future…

I decided to put it on a separate blog account using a different signature. And yes (to those who wondered) it will be bi-lingual, if not word-by-word translation at least summaries. I’ll put a link in here as soon as I feel ready.

In the meantime – have a great Valentine’s Day!


Ginny Hartzler said...

You are going to start a third blog???

GB said...

I'm looking forward to this because it's going to be like a private diary.

Scriptor Senex said...

That second card is wonderful. Looking forward to the new blog.

MadSnapper said...

these are amazing and over 100 years old makes them even more amazing. have a wonderful day and don't eat to much chocolate. none for me, i had pancakes for breakfast for my sugar fix

Mac n' Janet said...

Happy Valentine's Day, your new blog sounds interesting.

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