Sunday, 11 March 2012

In the Right Direction

Thursday, 8 March – relapse into winter

There is nothing wrong with change,
if it is in the right direction.”
~ Winston Churchill ~

Sunday, 11 March – Snow gone, and first snowdrop sighted!

I’ve been finding it hard to keep up with the rapid weather changes over the past week, being thrown back into full winter for a couple of days… But now we seem to be on the right track again! Spotting the first spring flowers today cheered me up!


GB said...

I like your tree and the quote but the snowdrop takes the prize.

Scriptor Senex said...

I love the promise that Snowdrops offer.

DawnTreader said...

In "my book" too! :)

MadSnapper said...

precious and pretty little snowdrop and it looks so happy to have sunshine. brrrrr on the first beautiful photo

Pauline said...

And here the weather can't decide what to do either. Coolish this evening but 5 warm, sunshiny days forecasted. Winter will come soon enough, I'm in no hurry.

Ginny Hartzler said...

What a sweet little flower! I am amazed and delighted that you have stayed so healthy after all the weather changes. It has made everyone here sick for months!

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