Tuesday, 18 December 2018

Christmas Is Coming…

2018-12 December3


In Sweden, Jultomten (Father Christmas / St Claus) traditionally comes knocking on the door on Chrismas Eve, handing out parcels. I guess even He must be feeling that Christmas is starting earlier and earlier these days… Yesterday, he turned up knocking on my door a whole week early. Disguised as a postman… But…
Winking smile


Ginny Hartzler said...

You got a lot of beautiful cards! I took your display idea, it looks so good! I did it on the kitchen door. Maybe I will make another row.

MadSnapper said...

cards are looking festive and woo hoo on Santa Postperson coming early

Graham Edwards said...

Good old snail mail greetings: you can’t beat them.

Librarian said...

He passed by my door, too, and left two parcels from Yorkshire - I was still at work, though, and never saw him! Also, the display of cards on my sideboard is growing daily, three new ones arrived yesterday alone.

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