Today was predicted to be another mostly dry and sunny day (but not too warm) - and so it also turned out. I had read in our local newspaper about a "Fine Fabrics Fair" at the Textile Fashion Center this weekend, so decided to go and have a look at that. Not to buy anything, but just to have a look around - and snap a few photos...
The fair was set up in connection to the museum shop at the entrance to the Textile Museum.

I was never much into sewing myself (I switched to woodwork in secondary school...), but walking around here for a while made me think of my mother. She used to make most of her own clothes herself - and a lot for me and the rest of the family as well. When I think about it, I actually seem to have no memories of going shopping for clothes with my mum (trying things on etc) - only of sometimes accompanying her to shops selling fabrics. (I think we also bought some things from mail order catalogs, though.)
Some fashion/design items are sold in the museum shop even when there's no special fair going on.
(Meike, I thought of you when I saw this tray...)
The weather was still fine when I got out from the Fine Fabrics Fair, so I decided to walk on from there to the shopping mall area some distance further away. Usually when I go shopping there, I take a bus to get there, and then sometimes walk back home (if I don't have too much to carry); but today I did the opposite: I walked all the way there, but took a bus part of the way back.
Old railway station building across the road from the Textile Fashion Center. (Nowadays used as offices for one or two businesses.) A mural I passed a bit further on.
Photo from inside the shopping mall where one of my favourite clothes shops is situated. That was the only shop I went into on this occasion. They had a sale going on, and it struck me that I might take the opportunity to look for a spring/summer/early autumn jacket. I've been looking in a few shops in the city centre without finding what I was after: Not a rain jacket, but still more protective than a "suit" jacket, or my short denim jacket...
As it turned out, my favourite shop in the mall did have one that was "pretty much" what I had in mind - and 30% off the original price. So I bought it.
Below is a mirror photo taken when I tried it on again back home: