Thursday, 20 July 2023


Back in June, it was too hot to spend much time on my balcony (facing south-west). Nearly all July, on the other hand, it's been too wet/windy/chilly... So basically all I use it for is to go out for a few minutes now and then to check on my plants. I have some flowering ones in individual pots to be able to move them around, and those can also be hung on the railing. They're too exposed to wind and rain on the railing, though, so they've remained sitting on the bench against the wall all July (and most of June too, but then because of the extreme heat and drought!). So they still need some manual watering. They seem happy with that arrangement, though.


In the blue pot is a cherry tomato plant. One has to look close to see the fruits as they're not ripe yet, but there are a few hiding among the leaves. They usually need watering too, because they're fairly protected from the rain in that position.

The strawberry plants would no doubt prefer a bit more sun for the berries to ripen properly; but otherwise they're very hardy, and having one box of those on each side of the balcony kind of gives it a green "frame" for myself (looking out from my window) even when I have nothing on the front railing.

In the strawberry box on the other side of the balcony I have a solar light that comes on the evenings. (Looks nice when looking out at it from inside, too...)

Looking up at the sky, one evening in early July.


MadSnapper said...

that solar light is beautiful and perfect for the evening. your plants look great and the pink and aqua in the second picture is my favorite because I love those colors together. your bench looks great. hope your heat allows you to spend time on the balcony soon

Coppa's girl said...

How healthy all your plants look - I love the colourful flowers too. It's amazing what
a wonderful verdant oasis you've created in a small space. Hope your tomatoes ripen well and are nice and tasty.

Librarian said...

You know you can always "get" me with a beautiful skyscape!
It is nice to have a balcony. Sometimes I wish I had one, but then I am away so much that it would not be a good idea to have plants on it, and a balcony without flowers or at least some green is a sad sight.

DawnTreader said...

Thanks Sandra. It was back in May/June that it was too hot... July has been wet and windy with temperatures around 15-20'C ("in the 60s" in Fahrenheit)...

Ginny Hartzler said...

The solar light is very pretty. What are the first flowers in three colors?

DawnTreader said...

Thanks Carol. I suspect the tomatoes would like a bit more sunshine to ripen. It looks like we're in for another rainy week ahead, though.

Terra said...

Your flowers are glowing with beauty, you have been through such a hot June and now a wet, chilly July. Your balcony is a pretty oasis.

DawnTreader said...

Meike, as I'm at home most of the time, it's nice to have one, even if there aren't really all that many occasions in a normal summer that the weather is "right" for sitting out there...

DawnTreader said...

Ginny, they're geraniums, "million bells" and petunias.

DawnTreader said...

Thanks Terra. I do like to have a few plants out there in summer.

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