Monday, 2 December 2024

1st Advent Sunday

 Yesterday was 1st Advent Sunday, which means I lit the first of the four ("live") candles in my special Advent candle holder:

The Amaryllis that I bought a couple of weeks ago is just beginning to bloom.

For the kitchen window, I bought a poinsettia when I was in town on Saturday.

Outdoors, it was a very grey and gloomy day. I did go out for a walk in the afternoon, but it was miserable day for photos. (Discarded my few attempts when I got back home.) Today I was also out for a short while just after lunch, but the weather now even foggier, and with light rain. Had an umbrella to hold and did not even try to take up the camera (phone)!


  1. Yes holding an umbrella and a camera are not to be recommended! Love your electric candelabra and your Advent Candles. Light is so important now in the darker days!

  2. Your Advent decorations are beautiful. Why is the Scandinavian way of decorating is so appealing? Simple, uncluttered, bright.

    1. Thanks Jabblog. I will be adding some more ornaments between now and Christmas, but I do prefer to keep it not "too" cluttered...

  3. the two side by side photos are just brilliant and so festive and it makes your kitchen look so cozy, and its good for dreary days or evening or early am... right now it is not quite 4, I think that is 1600 your time, and the sun is still up, but the house starts to darken so I turn the lights on until we go to bed, the nook lights. very similar look to your windows here and it makes me feel good. your photos do the same thing

    1. Thanks Sandra. It's dark here by 4 pm now. (Sunset around 3:25 pm) This week has been so grey that I have had some lights on most of the day, though!

  4. Such a great Xmas decorative vibe

  5. It is all so cheerful, especially for a gloomy day. And is that an antique teakettle? It fits in perfectly with the other things.

    1. Thanks Ginny. Yes, that copper kettle belonged either to my grandmother or her sister, I don't quite remember now. It sits on the window sill in my kitchen all year round.

  6. With the greyness outside, the light and colour you have inside are all the more important, and to be enjoyed.


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