Friday, 20 December 2024

Commenting Issues

The other day I suddenly ran into a tech issue that has never happened before during my nearly 16 years of blogging: I was not able to comment on my own blog (like replying to other people's comments).

Super frustrating, and I couldn't even figure out what they meant by it... I've been using  Firefox (browser) with this blog for years, and this message has never come up before. I also have Microsoft Edge on the laptop, but the thing is, I have my family history blog (Greetings from the Past) on a separate Blogger account; and to avoid the trouble of logging in and out every time, I find it most practical to use different browsers for the two. Which worked fine - until now... So I've had a couple of days scratching my head over this. Just following the message's "Learn more..." instructions did not help. I then downloaded a third browser (Chrome) - but that in turn brought some other irritations. However, I found that I was still able to reply to comments as usual on the Firefox app on my tablet - so I have not been totally locked out from two-way communication.

But then today it hit me to check the Blogger settings... And found their comment settings (which I don't think I've ever changed since I first set up the blog):

As the word "embedded" was involved in the Google/Firefox error message, I changed my Blogger settings from Embedded to Popup - and that seems to have solved the problem.

I'm writing this down chiefly as a reminder for myself, but I thought I might as well publish it on the blog as well - in case anyone else has come across similar issues, or perhaps just happens to notice my shift to popup for comments here. (Hopefully the popup will work for others as well as for myself.)


  1. I am impressed at your ingenuity! And I will sure try to remember this. So are you keeping Chrome?

    1. Ginny, I'm keeping it downloaded for now but not sure I will have need of it if Blogger keeps accepting the popup commenting. The issue with Chrome is that I think it sort of interacts with Edge and doesn't really like me using two different blog IDs either. (It seems to want to keep asking me to verify my identity every now and then...)

  2. I get that and I have done the same but I still cannot post a reply to people on Firefox so I use Microsoft Edge for replys

    1. Billy, the problem for me is that I use Edge for my other blog with different login, and I don't want to have to keep logging out of one to log in on the other. But it seems the change of comments settings on Blogger solved the issue for me so that I can keep using Firefox for this one as before - also for answering comments.

  3. The issue of switching to pop up comment format is that you can no longer reply to individual comments

    1. But I can, Ro! - I did reply individually to the two comments above from Firefox on my laptop. (Just now I'm on my tablet.)

  4. I wrote a comment and then it just disappeared. That is how it can be with these pop-up boxes Monica.

    1. Here or somewhere else, YP? Now and then comments from readers have gone to spam for me lately (not to do with the very recent change to popup comments but earlier). I can rarely see any reason for it but it seems to happen more often to some signatures than to others.

  5. These things arise from time to time just to check that we're paying attention!!

  6. In this case I can't see any logic in it, jabblog.


Communication is what makes blogging fun :)
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