Sunday, 22 December 2024

Barbie's & Skipper's Christmas Adventure

Barbie and Skipper persuaded me to take them on a tour "around town" (i.e. the whole flat) to see the seasonal decorations and lights and temporary art shows (Christmas cards) - and meet some gnomes.  


(P.S. Skipper got to borrow Barbie's gym shoes for this walk.)


On this tour, it was also revealed how many "Santas" live in the little Santa's House...

Back home on their own shelf after the tour.


"... Some day you will be old enough
to start reading fairy tales again..."

(From C.S. foreword to The Lion, the Witch and the
, dedicated to his goddaughter Lucy Barfield.)


  1. I love this post so much! I have been going back and forth several times to take more looks! So whimsical and cute!! I really like all your different candles, and the tiny Santas are so adorable! This is the most clever idea. I really like the quote, too.

    1. Glad you enjoyed it, Ginny! Happy Christmas!

  2. You know how much I enjoy seeing Barbie and Skipper! This tour was fun; they got to see art, meet gnomes and angels and look at nativity scenes. Thank you!

    1. Meike, I do remember that you even ask about them sometimes... And I guess I got inspired by recently watching the Barbie movie, too! ;)

  3. Barbie ans Skipper had a lovely tour of the 'town' and didn't they look smart? They must have been quite exhausted after all the excitement.

    1. Jabblog, they certainly got to see more on their walkabout than I did on my own short walk out in the real world that day (it was a very grey day). 😉


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