Wednesday, 4 December 2024

Frost and Defrost


Yesterday, we had a mix of rain and snow in the air most of the day, and as I had laundry to do in the afternoon I did not go out at all. This morning there was no snow on the ground - but the temperature was down well below zero (around -5 C); and I decided to make use of that fact for defrosting my freezer - putting the food in cool bags out on my balcony while that's going on. A good day to do it also because there was not "all that" much in the freezer at the moment, but I have a new home delivery coming in tomorrow.

Defrosting my freezer is a tricky affair, due to the fact that it is placed within a kitchen cabinet, with an "ordinary" cabinet below, and one needs to prevent the melting ice/water from going where it's not wanted... I've been practising for 16 years now and still don't feel that I have the procedure down to perfection!! - What you see in the photo is three pans of hot water to speed things up; empty bottom drawer left in place to hopefully collect most of the melting water; two terry towels below that to prevent excess water from running in under the freezer or down into the cupboard below; and below those a plastic tub placed on top of a stool in front of the bottom cupboard, to collect bits of ice that would otherwise end up on the floor... 

So that took a few hours... But I then managed to get out for an afternoon walk and catch a few sunset photos from the old cemetery again. All those photos taken within two minutes, between 14:59 - 15:01!




  1. Lovely sky photos! Such a pain with your defrosting, I do hope you don't have to do it often!

    1. Barbara, I usually only do it once a year, in winter. Difficult to do in summer unless the freezer happens to be nearly empty anyway.

  2. I remember my days of defrosting and did the hot water thing, then changed to using my blowdryer, which wore me out, I don't have an answer for the run off, mine had a thing in the bottom that caught MOST of it.. I have to say I do prefer the gorgeous photos much more than the JOB

    1. Sandra, I've read that one should not use a blowdryer as that can get too hot and damage the freezer.

  3. I am fascinated by the cloudscape

  4. Your sunset photos are beautiful, and trees just add to it. So this is just a separate freezer from your refrigerator? I really miss having a freezer. We have a little one in the fridge. What a job!! Ours have all been self-defrosting.

    1. Ginny, yes, my freezer is separate from my refrigerator (which is bigger). Both belong to the apartment I'm renting rather than to me. The fridge does not need defrosting.

  5. The sky in winter pastels is really beautiful, isn't it.
    My fridge contains a small freezer compartment at the top. When I defrost, I have to empty the entire fridge. I have never tried to speed it up by placing a hot water bowl inside, but it's a good idea that should work well. On the top shelf of my fridge, right below the freezer compartment, I usually put a large square baking tray which collects all the water. Not my favourite job, but it needs to be done every now and then.

    1. Meike, my fridge and freezer both belong to the flat I'm renting. I think a fridge is always included in a rented flat here nowadays, but what size and whether there is a separate freezer or just a freezer compartment in the fridge probably still varies depending on the size of flat etc. (I've been through a few varieties since I first moved away to live on my own in my early twenties...)

  6. Glorious sky photographs!
    Defrosting the freezer is a tedious job at the best of times, but your freezer presents so many problems. It sounds as if you have them sorted, though.

    1. Jabblog, I've had quite a few years of practice by now... ;-)

  7. What beautiful photos - that sky is breathtaking.
    For many years I had a built-in fridge-freezer. The fridge defrosted automatically but the freezer needed to be done manually - it really was a chore! When the freezer stopped working properly I had the unit removed, the housing turned into storage and bought a free standing fridge freezer. It's so much less hassle and I no longer have to wrestle with the freezer drawers when the ice has built up!

  8. I forgot to say that the freezer on my new one also defrosts automatically.

    1. Carold, since my fridge and freezer both belong to the flat, I've not had the choice of automatic defrost. (The fridge has no freezer compartment so that does not need defrosting; only the separate freezer.)


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