Tuesday, 3 December 2024

Advent Calendar - December 3


"Lost time is never found again"
- Benjamin Franklin -


  1. That's true!
    I am a bit puzzled by the... thing... sitting (?) among the watches. Is it supposed to be a person who has their head on their knees, so that we can not see the face?

    1. Meike, the whole advent calendar is based on Christmas window displays that I found around town that year (2011), and this is not the only one that was a bit weird and not all easy to "interpret". I know I had some fun trying to find quotes to go with them... I think the doll is some kind of gnome/pixie etc with long hair and beard; but it's so long ago now since I took the photo that I'm not sure.

  2. This is a more subtle way of saying, 'Don't waste time,' but sometimes we have to daydream, and that is good for the soul.
    Is the person in the picture despairing or weary or simply wondering why the clock faces are not all showing the same time?

    1. Jabblog, your guess is as good as mine! (cf my reply to Meike/Librarian above)

  3. I see this as don't wait to do things you should because time is fleeing and we might not get the chance to do what ever it is

    1. Sandra, that's as good an interpretation as any!

  4. Looking at the photo more closely, I think Meike is right - perhaps it's regretting the time it's wasted?


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