Sunday, 8 December 2024

Advent Calendar - December 8

 There are two ways to live:
You can live as if nothing is a miracle; or
you can live as if everything is a miracle.
- Albert Einstein -


  1. Einstein had some very poetic and thoughtful quotes. Kind of out of character for a scientist. But maybe this is why all the women were crazy for him.

  2. You know that Albert Einstein was originally from Ulm, about an hour's drive from where I live? He spoke German with a Swabian accent similar to mine :-)
    It is a lovely quote from him, and very fitting for the 2nd Advent Sunday.
    Many scientists actually were attracted to science because they saw the miracle in everything.

    1. Meike, I did not know that. (Or else I've forgotten.)

  3. There are wonders all around us, large and miniscule.

  4. I believe the greatest miracle of all is our human body. I have watched bob arm for 3 weeks now, he fell and peeled a sheet of skin, the size of the palm of my hand completely off, and there was nothing there but red meat. it has regenerated skin and has been amazing to watch. agree with Einstein in this quote

    1. Sandra, I'm glad to hear that Bob's wound is healing - and I agree, the body's ability to repair itself from many kinds of injuries is rather amazing.


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