Tuesday 10 January 2012

Z for Zebra at the Zoo


The zebra’s stripes are unique to each individual. It was previously believed that zebras were white animals with black stripes. Embryological evidence, however, shows that the animal's background color is black and the white stripes and bellies are additions. (Source: Wikipedia)

At our zoo, the zebras roam a ‘savannah’ together with other African animals like elephants, giraffes and antelopes. (Follow the link for more pictures.)

ABC Wednesday


  1. Zebra are beautiful animals. I am so glad I actually got to see them on the African Savannah. Thrilling.

  2. The zebras were my favorite at the zoo! I think there are three different kinds. They are so striking to look at, and you got a lovely picture here, showing so much, almost like he stopped to pose for you!

  3. i would love to run my hands over that beautiful animal and see how the hide/fur feels. so beautiful, wonderful shot of him/her

  4. Now, is that a white zebra with black stripes...or a black zebra with white stripes?

  5. ah, a black zebra has white stripes! fascinating.
    ROG, ABC Wednesday team

  6. love this... my Z post (yet to go up) is most likely going to be the zebra too!

  7. What a lovely rotund derriere! Nice image.

  8. Lovely picture of the Zebra. Great Z post.

  9. Zebras are so unusual and unique! Lovely shot.

  10. A Zebra it is said
    Is an equine quadruped
    It is, of course,
    A stripéd horse.


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