Friday, 4 March 2011

Sky Watch Friday: Grey


Friday morning view of the sky from my balcony.
Now, is that a work of art, or what?!?
I think I’ll call it… “Grey”…


It’s been like this most of the week. We’re still stuck in winter.


Lesley said...

this is the part I hate most about the dragging on of winter - the endless greyness of everything. somehow, those red roofs stand out more in the grey - wonder why we don't have that?

Kim, USA said...

Yes that is the color of a gray wintery day. ^_^ Great capture you have. Happy weekend!

Anonymous said...

LOL! That last shot is very pretty.

MadSnapper said...

i am rolling on the floor laughing at your "gray", so fun and that is what gray days make me look like. to funny and that is a beautiful house and maybe a school?

MarieElizabeth said...

I love your artistic expression! We've had a good amount of that here as well.

Ginny Hartzler said...

Well, actually, this is very cool the way you've done it. First you gave us the blank grey canvas, then put a beautiful house and trees on it!! It's all about possibilities!

nonizamboni said...

Same here! Could have been our sky in Minnesota all week. BUT spring is on its way, I've been told.
Have a lovely weekend!

Tania said...

Very cool and different. I like it:-)

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